Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Elatingly discrouaged

I am discouraged. I am elated. This conflict of emotion is courtesy of my last weigh-in. It appears I have gained 1.2 pounds over the past two weeks. That is the discouraging part. On the flip side of that I can lift more, have higher range of motion, and can run further than ever before. Which for me is anything beyond an quarter mile. I did mention that I have not worked out seriously in well over a decade, right?
The clothes that should (not pinching, can tuck in without inhaling), fit better. The clothes that should not fit better (baggier, shapeless), do not. These are good things. Also on the good list: I can breathe much better, I sleep great and wake easier, I do not require as much coffee, I am not tired in the middle of the day, I can tumble (think of martial tumbling, not gymnast) without fear of hurting myself.
Now that I see this list, the 1.2 pounds seems like a fair trade.

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