Wednesday, July 30, 2008

mmmm. posting goodness...

I completely forgot about this blog. For about 160 days I lost track, blocked it from my mind, had no recollection of this blog. I even stopped checking the spam box for this account.
My final classes were a real trial. Not the content but just trying to be present, let alone keeping the GPA at a reasonable level. With only one class remaining, I can see returning to this blog, just not as soon as I would like.
Talk soon,

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

first post in 5 months

yay me. yay interwebs. yay to the commenter of my last post.
more to follow, i promise. and ask anybody, i rarely promise.

Monday, February 4, 2008

writing with class in class

the creative writing class i am taking is sucking all the juice out of me. it is even affecting my capitalization skills...
watch this.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

i do cartoons

No, not the biblical sense, dumbass. In the funny sense. Well, at least they are funny to me. And we all know that pleasing yourself is at least important than pleasing others.
What a minute...

(cue fanfare...)
Undercover Nun - God Sense

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I have been an ATT then (Cingular) cell user for well over ten years now and really have no reason to migrate elsewhere. The plan I started out with fits my usage and because it is so old, is really a bargain compared to plans now available.

However, even though my satisfaction rates high and troubles are few, I have seen just how silly and downright .dumb. some of ATT's decisions and business machinations can be.

We have all seen (or at least heard of) the ATT billing stories where some subscriber is the unwitting target of the 300 page monthly invoice which is shipped in a courier box and includes hacksaw so for sawing off an arm and a leg. When it comes to technology, I move pretty slowly so I have been spared that type of nonsense.

Until now.

Dearest J (wife) has decided she would like to upgrade to a shiny new (and pink) Motorola Razor. I thought about it and agreed she should move up. I get final say about these things because ultimately, I am the person she calls for support (Yes, I will change your ringtone...). So I logged in to check for available upgrade options for her. Having found the model (and color) she desired the only thing I needed was the price, add it to the cart, and then check out.

Can you believe the refurb model actually costs more than the new? What the hell is that about?

Let me get this straight, there is a company out there that will charge me $50 more dollars for taking a refurb unit? It makes me question what the hell is going on in the minds of the people in charge.

But that is just me....

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Lamp? How about a car?

Stark burning desire, after having been pushed down for so long, surfaces, under pressure, it seeks the daylight, always pushing, finding the path of least resistance. Until finally, it seeps into the wrinkles of my frontal lobes, causing the flush heat of wanton yearning...


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Nietzsche Family Fun!

It's like that time when I was eating peanut butter and you (accidentally) rammed that chocolate bar into the jar I was holding.

Compliments of I bring you The Nietzsche Family Circus

My favorite so far. It's like a magic eight ball of fun.

The very word 'Christianity' is a misunderstanding--at bottom there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross.
From the "Two great things that go great together" department.

I wonder if this would work with something like Strongbad and Einstein?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

oh. yeah. almost forgot.

Some tips for the coming new year.
Breathe (it's important enough to list again).
And every once in a while, Run.
Run hard.

Defy description

Everyone once in a while, you run into something that completely defies your ability to understand, describe, or comprehend. This is one of those times.
