Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Mesmerizing and campy. Can one really use those two descriptors together?

Who is this girl?
Does she make money doing this?
Is she working alone?
Is her apartment really that small?

She just flew up in front of me, I swear.

I love the internet.


Postless so soon?

The words are not coming to my head.

Well, they are, but they do not seem to be following a single train of thought. There is a bit from here (girl singing), a bit from over there (why is Bush still in office?), and something from *way* over there (masturbatory practices of isolated indigenous peoples).

Decisions, decisions...

Nope. Nothing.

Stuff in front of me:
  • Trading card of the Poison Dart Frog
  • Ever-present coffee mug
  • bowl of fruit
  • Pen cup (full)
  • CDs of "stuff"
  • Wallet (I sit better when it is on the desk and not in my pocket)
  • Lamp
  • Gum (three different types, I need variety)
  • Notebook
  • Books, books, books
  • Water bottle
Still nothing. Maybe later.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

There I was...

buck naked, sitting in a roomful of strangers.

No one noticed.

Everyone was carrying on as normal. It occurred to me that perhaps I should cover up my bare bits to avoid immediate and overwhelming embarrassment. I was apparently at some sort of gathering where a large group of people were seated at long rows of picnic tables under a massive tent. Everyone was already served and were well tucked in to the mounds of food on platters and plates. There was a festive air eminating from the group and the smell of barbecued meat is unmistakable.

After the initial shock of realization had worn off, I took notice that they still were not paying attention to me. In fact, the dazzling woman sitting across from me looked me square in the eye and said "Could you pass me a pickle? You can use your hands, I trust you." Haltingly, I passed her a pickle. She smiled her thanks and delicately nipped the end off the pickle. Grimacing and yanking her head back, she said to no one in particular "That was much more salty than I was expecting".

I stifled a laugh, thinking this is a most interesting place to be. My mind was starting to work on things how I could play into this some more when the damnable alarm clock went off, starting my day.

I think I will eat roasted meat for lunch today...

Monday, January 29, 2007

Because I said so, that's why.

Here we go with yet another blog. This is the third blog I have started in about five years and for the life of me I cannot understand what compels me to spew the words you see in front of you. But having said that, here they are. Dancing in orderly little rows for your reading pleasure (or otherwise).
So what sets this blog apart from the plethora of others at your beck and call? Well, for one, as the name implies, this seemingly unconnected collection is mainly for things I dub "nicheless". Whereas you can always find a blog which lists a persons' the latest crush (celebrity or not) or even one espousing the latest high-tech geegaw. But how often is it you find a blog with no particular point at all? A collection of such randomness it makes one think they have tapped into the stream of consciousness of a someone who is most definitely (or should be) on a double dose of paxil?
I hope to make this that blog. I even promise to make every attempt to employ proper punctuation and capitalization, thus giving it a more "adult" feel, don't you think?
It will be a slow work in progress, mostly taken up to improve my poor typing skills.
--- +++ ---
Given that, I will open with the first of things that ran across my attention span today.