Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Survived the Family Reunion

This last weekend was the first family reunion in about twelve years. Seventy people representing all points of the nation converged on a suburb near Phoenix, AZ to catch up, reminisce, and eat foods they have not seen in a decade or more. To the uninitiated, the orgy of food would recall images of pure gluttony. To this small collection of people, it was the opportunity to express the love of childhood and family. To reaffirm a love through the expression of carefully preparing the foods of celebration. To be part of something larger than yourself. Larger than your siblings. To bask in the warm glow felt when everyone working together produces something the tribe will share. Then, to be able to sit back and watch as the smiles appear when they take that first bite. The memories produced at these events sustain me as I wonder when I will see my family next.

Throughout my childhood, events like this were common, occurring almost every week. The faces were mostly the same and while the food was always slightly different, the feelings were always identical. People coming together to share in joy and love.

The elders were all there directing the second generation, the second generation was directing their children in manners, respect, and when to perform heavy lifting. The third generation was left pretty much to play and be held at the elders whim.

I had forgotten now much my family likes to gamble. There was a permanent poker game going the entire time. Not being immune to the call, I set in on a couple of sessions. I came to a halt I found myself dividing my time exclusively between filling a plate and holding cards.

It was this and more. I will not speak to the unbound eating I participated in because I do not want to sully the great memories recalled and made. That will be a post for another day (tomorrow,


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