Thursday, March 1, 2007

There comes a time....

... in every young man's mind when all his thoughts turn to spring and all the promise of a young and budding future. Unfortunately for me, that time was a while back. Being on the cusp of 43 (gasp!) hardly makes me a candidate for anything considered youthful. Still, in my heart of hearts, I am a horribly confused mid-twenty guy searching for something.

The something takes on many forms: a reasonable balance of life and work, utter and uncontrollable joy (something we ALL should spend more time seeking out), and finally, a decaf coffee just as tasty as the real thing (I can dream, can't I?).

The search which led me to more youthful activities like working out. Little piece of advice for those still young enough to enjoy the latest pap served on MTV; learn a life of physical activity. Achieve this habit while you are young. It will serve you well.

You can thank me later.

I know you will.


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