Monday, March 26, 2007

Parental paradox

Paradox - an apparently true statement or group of statements that leads to a contradiction or situation which defies intuition.

Parents wish a better future for their children. This is even more true (can anything be more true) if we, as parents, have had a troubling upbringing. The desire is to allow them to find enlightenment without the bumped and bruises normally associated with growing up. I, for one, hope the road to adulthood will be less troublesome for my little ones. And this is where the paradox occurs.

The issues I experienced while traveling to adulthood, are the same ones that brought me to enlightenment. Without them, I would not be the parent trying to ease the approach for the kids. So my desire to soften their journey (to protect them) may actually prolong their journey rather than deliver them promptly and safely.

So the question is: am I really protecting them?

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