Monday, June 18, 2007

Ode to the "soulless" treadmill

In the past, whenever I heard about or saw someone running on a treadmill, my first thought was "why on earth would anyone want to do that?". They run in one place like an over-sized hamster, going nowhere. They should be outside, where they could at least be exposed to the sun and have a little exposure to nature. What a bland and soulless task to run on an endless twelve feet of belt with nothing to show for it.

Oh what a difference a couple of days make...

There are many benefits to running on a tread, especially for one that is just getting into the running program:
- there are no distractions like cars, bicyclists, and pedestrians.
- running on a tread allows you to focus on the developing a proper form, which you will not get if you have to stop or slow to accommodate
cars, bicyclists, and pedestrians.
- setting your pace while free-form
running is difficult, because you have never had to set the pace before. using the machine to set and keep the pace helps your body set and recognize a proper pace.

In the work out journey, everything has its place. The place for a treadmill is to help you train your body for when you actually begin running "out there".


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