Thursday, February 8, 2007

Let's review

"Those who forgot the past are doomed to repeat it."

I am a big fan of the personally reviewed life. By this, I mean to say that it is of utmost importance that everyone on the face of the planet (and elsewhere) regularly set aside some time to go over the events that have transpired over some arbitrary period. Of course, the period of time will differ from person to person, but the fact remains all (and I sincerely mean ALL) peoples should be performing this seemingly simple act.

This is an entirely personal accounting, not to be seen by any other person other than the individual concerned. I can see the wheels spinning now, "Should it be every year, every four months, when damn it, WHEN?". Well, whenever you think it should happen, it is yourself we are talking about after all.

The simplest tool for this review is a simple pen (pencil, if you prefer) and paper journal. Written in every few days, with just the barest amount of information as to what is happening in your life. Does not have to be anything terribly in-depth, but it should reflect the obstacles you are facing, how you feel about them, and most importantly, the things that bring you joy. How many times in your life have you found incredibly happy but have no idea as to the reason why? Wouldn't you like to be able to tap into that joy again? The joy entries are the next best thing to a road map to help you find your way back.

As for the other entries, consider them snapshots of time. Once captured, you will be able to return to the issue you were facing without the pressure of having to make an instant decision or all the other cluttering thoughts that accompanies handling a crisis. You may even find there were other options available but you were fixated on something else. And perhaps, the next time something of this nature recurs, you will handle it (or at least view it) differently.

Everyone, and I mean everyone, should be doing this on a somewhat regular basis. But when?

That would be up to you, now, wouldn't it?


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